The midrange phones Galaxy A51 and Galaxy A71 became quite popular after their release last year, and now Samsung has brought forward the sequels of the two phones. This year, the design is slightly different than last year, impressive, and sophisticated, with youthful new colors to choose from. In this article, we will explore the color options we have for the two models, so you can have a better idea of which Galaxy A72 or Galaxy A52 color you might want to go for.
Okay, let’s start with the fact that now, both the Galaxy A72 and the Galaxy A52 come in the same four colors, dubbed Awesome Black, Awesome White, Awesome Violet, and Awesome Blue. Exclusive colors could also appear, but we hear nothing about them just yet.
Here are the colors the Galaxy A72 and the Galaxy A52 are available in:
Awesome Black
Awesome White
Awesome Violet
Awesome Blue
Galaxy A72 and Galaxy A52 in Awesome Black or Awesome White
The Awesome Black and the Awesome White colors for the Galaxy A72 and the Galaxy A52 are the conservative color options the mid-range phones come in this year. The luxurious matte black does not attract any fingerprints and looks polished and premium. It also blends quite well with the Galaxy A72 and A52 camera bump and helps achieve a simple and sleek appearance for the two phones.
The white, on the other hand, looks clean and minimalistic. The camera bump is also painted in white, which makes the camera lenses stand out in an interesting black-and-white way.
Both these two colors come with a matte finish.
Samsung Galaxy A72 and Galaxy A52 in Awesome Violet or Awesome Blue
If you want a fun color for your Galaxy A72 or your Galaxy A52, these two colors present a great opportunity for a fresh and vibrant phone look. The Awesome Violet is subdued and youthful. It does not look quite like the Galaxy S21’s Phantom Violet option, it is a bit understated and more simple, but it is still a gorgeous option.
The Awesome Blue is a light blue color reminiscent of clear skies and does indeed bring freshness to the phones’ design. In both color variants, the camera bump is painted to match the color of the back, making the camera lenses stand out. In the past, both the Galaxy A51 and A71's camera bumps were black, but we think Samsung's new approach to camera bump design is the better look overall.
Here again, all finishes are matte, assuring a more comfortable hold and almost no fingerprint smudges.
So, which color do you like the most? If you’re thinking of buying a Galaxy A72 or Galaxy A52, which color will you go for and why? Tell us in the comments!
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Izzy, a tech enthusiast and a key part of the PhoneArena team, specializes in delivering the latest mobile tech news and finding the best tech deals. Her interests extend to cybersecurity, phone design innovations, and camera capabilities. Outside her professional life, Izzy, a literature master's degree holder, enjoys reading, painting, and learning languages. She's also a personal growth advocate, believing in the power of experience and gratitude. Whether it's walking her Chihuahua or singing her heart out, Izzy embraces life with passion and curiosity.
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