Reader's choice: Samsung Galaxy S5 overpowers the Apple iPhone 6


Last week, we asked you to step into our shoes and judge two hot smartphones on their own merits in several key categories. In the red corner, we put Cupertino's newest iPhone, the Apple iPhone 6; in the blue corner we have another battle-hardened veteran, the Samsung Galaxy S5. Just as we had expected, the clash was pretty fierce and heated one, but fortunately, we have a clear winner, even though by a not-so-large margin. All hail the Samsung Galaxy S5, which got hold of 12,583 votes and outscored the Apple iPhone 6 and its tally of 10,649 votes!

Unlike previous “reader's choice comparison” battles, in which the Galaxy S5 lost against both the LG G3 and the HTC One (M8), Samsung's flagship smartphone overwhelmed the iPhone 6 and snatched the title, fighting the latter off in three of the total four categories – Display, Interface and functionality, and Camera. The 4.7” iPhone wins in the Design department, although it was a pretty close call. It might sound like the Galaxy S5 ran circles around the iPhone in this comparison, but that's definitely not the case. Let's treat ourselves to a quick breakdown of the polls' results.

In the Design section, as we said, the Apple iPhone 6 succeeded in scoring an early advantage – some 3168 (50.85%) of you voted for it, however, the Galaxy flagship breathed down its neck with 3062 votes. That's it, 1:0 for the iPhone 6.

Moving on to the Display category, the Samsung device snatches 57.95% (3364) of the votes, its most definitive victory, and makes it transparent that the color-inaccurate, oversatured, and vivid display of the Galaxy S5 is better than the iPhone's LCD display, which is brighter, but not as color-punchy. The iPhone received just 42.05% of the vote, thus the score is tied.

The interface and functionality section was the theatre of yet another fierce battle between the prominent rivals. It looks like 54.3% (2987) of you put the feature-laden functionality of TouchWiz ahead of the beautiful simplicity of iPhone 6's iOS 8, which attracted 2514 fans (45.7% of the voters). Another win for Sammy.

The camera show-off brought yet another victory for the South Korea-based giant, as the photos and videos from its Galaxy S5 received a higher vote – 55.65% fancied them, whereas 44.35% decided that Cupertino's finest performs better in the imaging department. However, the majority wins.

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And there we have it, thanks to your votes the Samsung Galaxy S5 reigns supreme and leaves the Apple iPhone 6 slightly trailing behind. Check out the complete rundown of the poll results in the gallery below and let us know whether you agree or disagree with them in the comments section! 

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