WSJ: Apple product delays double in length with Tim Cook as CEO
Under Tim Cook, Apple new product delays have doubled
According to today's Wall Street Journal, Apple has seen the time between announcing a new product and shipping it rise to 23 days during the past six years. During the six years before that, the average was only 11 days. This is not a good sign for the tech titan. Apple used to keep lead times short to prevent rival tech firms from responding to a new product from Cupertino. These delays can also upset customers and cost the company money.
One example of a product delay that hurt Apple in its pocketbook is the ongoing one with the HomePod smart speaker. Devised by Amazon, this product combines a speaker and a virtual assistant. Amazon launched the device in 2015 and this year many smart speakers were purchased for Christmas and Hanukah. Apple originally was hoping to join in with a December launch of its premium HomePod smart speaker, priced at $349. But the device was not ready in time, and is now expected to be released early this year. As a result, Amazon and Google both benefited from Apple's absence in the marketplace over the holiday shopping season.
Other Apple products that had delayed launches include the wireless Bluetooth powered AirPods, launched in 2016. The year before, the Apple Watch was late to launch. Other delays took place with a pair of iPad Pro accessories, the Smart Keyboard and the Apple Pencil.
One reason for the widening in product launch delays at Apple could have to do with the different technique favored by the late Steve Jobs compared to the one employed by his hand picked successor to replace him as CEO of the company. Tim Cook has a penchant for announcing a new product as soon as he is able to. Jobs, on the other hand, preferred to wait until a new device was almost ready to ship before unveiling it.
A moment frozen in time; Steve Jobs introduces the iPhone in 2007
source: WSJ
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