Samsung has been working on its own mobile OS for a while now. Dubbed Tizen, the project is backed by Intel and LG and is already used to power the Samsung Gear 2 and Gear 2 Neo smartwatches. Following the April release of the wearables, every tech-head was already eagerly awaiting the announcement of a phone, built around the new OS.
Come last month, the Samsung Z model, the first smartphone to be commercially available loaded with the company's own OS, was announced, and an official date for a launch in Russia was set for July the 10th, at a special Tizen developer summit.
Samsung has been working on
the flagship to carry its Android rival for some time now, however, the product is apparently still a bit on the medium-rare side, because, while developers were there yesterday, the new phone was not. In a statement, Samsung said that the launch was postponed, because the company didn't feel like the currently available apps are enough to satisfy users.
Whether Sammy will be able to keep its promise and ship the new handset sometime in Q3 2014 is still up in the air. According to many, the OS lacks enough developer support and is doomed to fail in a market, dominated by iOS and Android, with hundreds of apps being released for each on a daily basis. Tizen supporters counter that statement, by pointing out that where Tizen is now is not much different from where Android used to be when it was coming into the world and that it has the advantage of being backed by major players in the market.
What do you think? Does an Android look-alike have a chance to start from scratch in this OS-eat-OS world, or is Tizen about to dive after Bada, never to be seen after?
Android Authority,
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