Moto G5 went on pre-orders across Europe a few days after it was unveiled by Lenovo at Mobile World Congress. However, we didn't expect the phone to be available for purchase so soon after the official announcement.
Three retailers (Mobiel, Belsimpel, and GSMwijzer) in the Netherlands now have the Moto G5 in stock so that customers can purchase it for €199. They also offer customers the option to sign up for a carrier contract, in which case the Moto G5 is much cheaper.
In other countries like Germany, the
Moto G5 is still on pre-order, but considering Lenovo has already started to send shipments in Europe, there's a very good chance that the smartphone will hit the shelves in other countries very soon.
The Moto G5's bigger brother hasn't yet arrived in stock, but Dutch retailers estimate the Moto G5 Plus should be available for purchase in early April. Those who want to wait for the Plus model will have to pay €279 if they want to buy the smartphone.
Unfortunately, the Moto G5 won't be released in the United States, but there's hope for the
Moto G5 Plus, a beefed up version of the former, which could land for around $230 outright.
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