Spam calls will go right to voicemail with the Pixel/Nexus dialer and the Google Phone app

Isn't it a bitch when you're in the middle of something important and all of a sudden your smartphone's ringtone plays? And to make matters worse, you don't recognize the phone number being displayed on your phone's screen. Quickly your mind races; did something bad happen to Uncle Jaime or Aunt Erin? Did I forget to pay one of the credit cards? So you answer the phone and hear a recording of a salesperson trying to sell you an extended warranty for your car, which you've already donated last year to 1-800-Kars4Kids.
If you're sick of spam calls, Google has the answer, but only if your daily driver is a Pixel, Nexus or Android One phone. The Google Phone app will soon deliver an update to those compatible handsets that will send those unwanted spam calls to the smartphone version of hell. That's right, they will be sent straight to voicemail. Your phone won't ring, and whatever important activity you were in the middle of doing will not get interrupted.
source: GooglePhone via 9to5Google
Sure, you can wait a few weeks for this update to get rolled out, or you can stand up for your rights immediately by becoming a beta tester. All you need to do is visit the Google Play Store, open the Phone app and scroll to the bottom where it says "Become a tester." Keep in mind however, that the beta version of the app is considered unstable and could contain bugs. But that is the price you must pay to be among the first to try out new features before the general public sees them. If you're not happy with the beta, you can always uninstall the app and install the public version to replace it.
source: GooglePhone via 9to5Google
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