The first truly high-end Nokia phone in five years is almost certainly right around the corner, possibly aiming to hit the US market in addition to select European and Asian regions after finally going official at MWC 2019. Even though the world's largest exhibition for the mobile industry is technically scheduled to start on Monday, February 25, a number of companies will jump the gun on Sunday with exciting product launch events.
To get us even more excited about the Nokia 9 PureView announcement, exclusive brand licensee HMD Global just unveiled the event's start time, also confirming the whole world will be able to follow the action from Barcelona online. You can now bookmark these live-streaming links from YouTube and Facebook or set a reminder for 4 PM (local time) this Sunday. That's 10 AM on the US East Coast and 7 AM in California, which might mean something... or nothing at all in terms of the handset's US availability.
Nokia is definitely not being subtle about the fact several devices are coming to this year's Mobile World Congress, but unfortunately, the #GetSmart tagline and 8-second teaser video posted on Twitter today are as cryptic as they could be.
Apart from the oft-leaked Nokia 9 PureView with that insane five-camera setup on its back, we're also expecting a lower-end 8.1 Plus and/or Nokia 6.2 to see daylight soon. If history is any indication, we may be in for another revival of an iconic feature phone too, although that's just an educated guess right now.
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Adrian, a mobile technology enthusiast since the Nokia 3310 era, has been a dynamic presence in the tech journalism field, contributing to Android Authority, Digital Trends, and Pocketnow before joining PhoneArena in 2018. His expertise spans across various platforms, with a particular fondness for the diversity of the Android ecosystem. Despite the challenges of balancing full-time parenthood with his work, Adrian's passion for tech trends, running, and movies keeps him energized. His commitment to mid-range smartphones has led to an eclectic collection of devices, saved from personal bankruptcy by his preference for 'adequate' over 'overpriced'.
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