January 30th, 2013 date adds up to BlackBerry 10 launch
Earlier on Monday, we passed along the word that RIM will be launching its eagerly awaited BlackBerry 10 line on January 30th 2013. How did RIM arrive at that date? Certainly the executives in charge of such decisions must have looked at exhaustive studies of demographics, seasonal tendencies and other important statistics. Perhaps RIM CEO Thorsten Heins checked with the crew heading up the project to see when the hardware and software would be ready for primetime. Or maybe the January 30th, 2013 date was decided mathematically.
A tweet from miBlackBerry.com pointed out that if you take the expected BB10 launch date and convert it into numerals, it would read as 0+1+3+0+2+0+1+3. Add them all together and it gives you the sum of 10. Interesting, hmm? Perhaps there is also something in the Bible Code about the January 30th launch.
source: @miBlackBerry.com
Is this how RIM decided on the BB10 launch date?
source: @miBlackBerry.com
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