LG Optimus G AT&T Specs
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This phone is one of the all time greats! The motion is a champ of a phone! Loved this little phone.
This was the first smart phone I ever had. The LG Motion got me hooked on the whole smart phone thing.
I just wish that it were updated to Jellybean by now. But otherwise it works perfectly! I haven't experienced any lag at all and everything runs smoothly even when the phone is on its eco mode which is supposed to limit the processor's operation.
Update: It now has Jellybean!
I decided on this device because it was Quad core with 2GB of RAM and LTE for $99 on-contract. Similar devices are $199 and $299. The phone screams past other devices in performance. The screen is beautiful, the build quality is top notch, the UI is light and un-obtrusive. Video editing software that came preloaded is a bonus.
A few qualms that I encountered were the skinned browser (I just used chrome instead), the stock android keyboard, and an unimpressive camera.
Big no-no's that I encountered were terrible reception in rural areas. I travel a lot and found myself with no signal in places that my GS3 and Lumia have 1 bar and EDGE for data. Being a bit of a power user, terrible battery life overall. IIt takes about 2hrs to charge fully. Unfortunately, I can kill the battery in 4hrs with my average use. I forgot my car charger once and drove around with no phone for 4hrs. Unacceptable.
Overall I love the phone, living with the poor battery life is a small price to pay for the performance I expect from my phone. I now carry a 16,000mAh backup battery. The reception issue is a deal breaker though. If you don't venture away from cities or power outlets too much this is probably the greatest phone deal you can encounter.