YouTube users on Android are now going to be able to select their default video quality setting for Wi-Fi and mobile connections for the entire app. YouTube has announced back in June that it will be testing this feature, but until now, we didn’t see anyone having it. Now, Android Police reports that YouTube is finally bringing this quite important setting to its app via an update (although it's still beta). What's more, you will soon be able to configure different settings for Wi-Fi and for mobile network connections.
For now, you can modify the video quality by choosing the resolution directly and on the video itself. The update brings a new simplified menu, where you will have three basic options: Data Saver, which, understandably, delivers lower-quality video, Higher picture quality, which will always display video in 720p and up, and Auto, in which the YouTube app will determine the video quality instead of you. Additionally, you can go for the Advanced option and pick the exact preferred resolution.
These settings are present on every video, but you will also be able to set default preferences in the app. In the YouTube app's settings, you will have a new menu dubbed Video quality preferences, which, as you can see on the screenshot, is still labeled as beta for now. It offers two settings for the default quality of videos on Wi-Fi and on mobile networks. There, you again have the three options: Auto, Data saver, and Higher picture quality. Unfortunately, you are not able to pick the exact resolution for the whole app yet.
We don’t have information on when this feature will be available to the public at the moment, as it is still in beta, but it's good to know that YouTube is working on it, as it will be helpful for people on limited data plans.
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Izzy, a tech enthusiast and a key part of the PhoneArena team, specializes in delivering the latest mobile tech news and finding the best tech deals. Her interests extend to cybersecurity, phone design innovations, and camera capabilities. Outside her professional life, Izzy, a literature master's degree holder, enjoys reading, painting, and learning languages. She's also a personal growth advocate, believing in the power of experience and gratitude. Whether it's walking her Chihuahua or singing her heart out, Izzy embraces life with passion and curiosity.
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