What OS was your first smartphone based on? (poll results)

Last week, we published a poll asking you what OS your very first smartphone was based on. We now have the final results, and we're not surprised to see that Symbian - now extinct - was the first smartphone OS for many of those who participated in the poll. More exactly, 1,557 voters (47.27%) said that their first smartphone ran Symbian.
In case you didn't know, Symbian was the world's leading smartphone platform from the mid 2000s to late 2010, when Android dethroned it. While various companies (including Samsung, Motorola, and Sony Ericsson) made Symbian handsets throughout the years, Nokia was the one that manufactured and sold the highest number of Symbian devices. In 2011, when Nokia announced that it would choose Windows Phone as its main smartphone platform, Symbian's influence was already clearly dwindling.
BlackBerry, iOS, Palm OS / webOS, and Samsung's Bada are also some of the OSes that our readers discovered on their first smartphones.
Android was the first smartphone OS for 682 voters (20.7%), while Microsoft's Windows (either Mobile, or Phone) ran on the first smartphones of 396 voters (12.02%). We know, Windows Mobile and Windows Phone are different OSes, both visually, and technically. But both represent Microsoft's continuous presence in the smartphone market, that's why we included them in the same category.
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