Viber for Windows Phone 8 is awaiting approval

The beta version of the Viber app for Windows Phone was released almost a year ago, and it has been a disappointment ever since. The app has been all well and good, but it wasn't really a Viber app. It didn't offer voice calls, and because of that, it ended up being renamed Viber Messenger. Well, the real Viber app has been submitted to the Windows Phone Store, and is awaiting approval.
Viber CEO Talmon Marco told TruTower that the app had been submitted to the store, and Microsoft has said the approval process could be finished quickly, and the app be made available within 24 hours or so. In addition to the messaging, the app will include voice calling, and even group calling will be available in this version of the app.
Even better, the app will not be exclusive to any handset, and will be available for all Windows Phone users. It should be coming soon, and we'll let you know when it hits.
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