Telegram adds dedicated tools for polls in latest update, image search improvements on iOS
After delivering a major update to the Android app earlier this month, Telegram continues to bring new features and improvements to its users. With the latest version of Telegram, it's easier than ever to make polls, while iOS users will be happy to know the app gained important search improvements.
The latest Telegram update introduces a dedicated tool for polls in addition to the already existing bots like @vote that allows you to do polls to some degree. The new built-in polls are perfect for groups or channels with a large number of members, but they can also be forwarded to increase reach.
Telegram users can even pin these polls for better visibility. However, as a company that prouds itself for never disclosing its users' private data, these polls are anonymous for the time being, which means that you can't see who voted for what.
But, the developers revealed plans to add non-anonymous polls where the voters lists will be public, but they will be marked as non-anonymous.
As far as the iOS version of Telegram goes, the latest update introduced some image search and other improvements. First and foremost, you can now use Web Search again to find images when sending Photo & Video attachments or choose profile files in the iOS app.
Also, clearing the cache by going to Settings / Data and Storage / Storage Usage will now correctly reduce the space taken by the app. When you download or upload a file, you will now see detailed progress, and there are also online indicators for the “People” section in search results.
But, the developers revealed plans to add non-anonymous polls where the voters lists will be public, but they will be marked as non-anonymous.
As far as the iOS version of Telegram goes, the latest update introduced some image search and other improvements. First and foremost, you can now use Web Search again to find images when sending Photo & Video attachments or choose profile files in the iOS app.
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