Samsung finds a way to commercialize graphene, oiling the works for truly flexible devices
Samsung today announced that it has developed a "breakthrough synthesis method" that speeds up the mass-production and further commercialization of graphene, which is considered to be one of the most promising nanomaterials that could revolutionize the electronics industry.
It appears that Samsung has been collaborating with the Sungkyunkwan University on this new manufacturing method, which enables the production of large and thin sheets of graphene. Yes, similar methods existed before, but it is said that unlike them, this one does not lessen the mechanical properties of the nanomaterial.
But what makes graphene so valuable to the electronics industry? It is a very thin, one-atom thick hexagonal grid of graphite atoms. Graphene is not only 100 times more durable than steel with the same thickness, it's also a zero-gap semiconductor, superior to the widely-used silicon. Under normal conditions, graphene is almost invisible, very light and whoppingly strong at the same time – the scientists that first isolated it back in 2004 state that a square meter of the nanomaterial tips the scales at just 1mg, but it would easily support a 4kg weight without breaking.
The possibilities before the nanomaterial are endless and Samsung suggests that one of the potential uses of graphene is in “flexible displays, wearables, and other next generation electronic devices”. Samsung's involvement with graphene might indeed speed up its commercialization and wider adoption. Hopefully, graphene will pave the way for truly flexible and even more curious electronic devices.
source: Samsung, Wikipedia via Engadget
“This is one of the most significant breakthroughs in graphene research in history,” the researchers at Samsung's Advanced Institute of Technology claimed. “We expect this discovery to accelerate the commercialization of graphene, which could unlock the next era of consumer electronic technology.”
But what makes graphene so valuable to the electronics industry? It is a very thin, one-atom thick hexagonal grid of graphite atoms. Graphene is not only 100 times more durable than steel with the same thickness, it's also a zero-gap semiconductor, superior to the widely-used silicon. Under normal conditions, graphene is almost invisible, very light and whoppingly strong at the same time – the scientists that first isolated it back in 2004 state that a square meter of the nanomaterial tips the scales at just 1mg, but it would easily support a 4kg weight without breaking.
source: Samsung, Wikipedia via Engadget
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