If you are wondering what the fuss about this small Chinese phone maker OnePlus is, and why are is it in the news so often - well, they seem to have established themselves as everyone's favorite underdog when it comes to offering high-end specs at a midrange price. Granted, that's what most Chinese brands do anyway, but OnePlus managed to get the viral word-of-mouth marketing machine rolling better, and, its typical availability and quality control issues aside, has seemingly made a place in many an Android fan's heart.
The new OnePlus 5T that was just announced will solidify the company's value-for-money street cred, as the CEO promise for a flagship that won't break the bank got fulfilled, at least as far as the US pricing is concerned. How about a Snapdragon 835-equipped handset with the trendy 18:9 aspect ratio 6" display that fits in a body with the size of 2016's 5.5-inchers, with 6GB RAM/64GB storage, fast charging, dual f/1.7 aperture cameras on the back, and, thankfully, a fast finger scanner also placed there, for less than $500?
Not bad at all, and it can be all yours as soon as November 21, available on OnePlus.net in the United States and in Europe. Well, availability is not OnePlus's strongest suit, but we'll see if this time things will be different. We've been teased a sub-$600 top-shelf device, so there you have it. Any takers?
Release date - November 21
OnePlus 5T (6GB RAM/ 64 GB storage)
USD 499
GBP 449
EUR 499
OnePlus 5T (8GB RAM/ 128 GB storage)
USD 559
GBP 449
EUR 559
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Daniel, a devoted tech writer at PhoneArena since 2010, has been engrossed in mobile technology since the Windows Mobile era. His expertise spans mobile hardware, software, and carrier networks, and he's keenly interested in the future of digital health, car connectivity, and 5G. Beyond his professional pursuits, Daniel finds balance in travel, reading, and exploring new tech innovations, while contemplating the ethical and privacy implications of our digital future.
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