How much would you pay to have lunch with Tim Cook?
Last year, a charity auction collected a cool $600,000 for the privilege of having a cup of coffee with Apple CEO Tim Cook. This year, Mr. Cook has cleared his calendar again, and now it is for lunch at Apple’s headquarters in Cupertino, California.
The “estimated” value is listed as $100,000. With 19 days of time left to bid, as of this writing, the latest offer is $62,500. We suspect the auction will close at a substantially higher number than the listed value.
If a cup of coffee went for 600-grand, what might full lunch be worth? The auction is raising money on behalf of the RFK Center for Justice and Human Rights. The Center holds annual auctions through Charitybuzz and brings all sorts of headliners to the fold.
If time with Tim Cook is too rich for your taste, you could go for lunch with former Secretary of Defense, Robert Gates, or meet Tom Brady and Bill Belichick. Anderson Cooper, Arianna Huffington, Vanessa Williams, and Richard Saul Wurman, creator and chairman of the TED Conference are part of the line-up.
Bidding is verified through credit cards, even if you plan to pay through other means, so make sure your balance is squared away. Tell us what you plan to have for lunch, and what you plan to discuss with Mr. Cook.
sources: Charitybuzz via re/code
The “estimated” value is listed as $100,000. With 19 days of time left to bid, as of this writing, the latest offer is $62,500. We suspect the auction will close at a substantially higher number than the listed value.
If time with Tim Cook is too rich for your taste, you could go for lunch with former Secretary of Defense, Robert Gates, or meet Tom Brady and Bill Belichick. Anderson Cooper, Arianna Huffington, Vanessa Williams, and Richard Saul Wurman, creator and chairman of the TED Conference are part of the line-up.
sources: Charitybuzz via re/code
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