HTC stirred our fantasies today by unveiling not one, but two gorgeous-looking phones, finally getting around to crafting a glass chassis, instead of its signature metal unibody design. The U Ultra and U Play are using the latest Gorilla Glass 5 iteration slapped on a sturdy metal frame with molded "3D' effect at the edges for an "organic symmetrical" chassis, while the U Ultra will also come in an even sturdier sapphire glass version down the road.
While the phones are undoubtedly beautiful to look at and feel premium in the hand, their specs are nothing to sniff at, either, especially in the case of the U Ultra. The "ultra" part of the naming comes from the use of a high-res Quad HD panel, secondary ticker for your AI needs, fast Snapdragon 821 chipset, UltraPixel camera with OIS tech, and plenty of built-in storage.
The U Play is trying to wiggle itself in the crowded value-for-money category with a more midrange chipset, smaller 1080p display, and a camera with larger pixels, but it does have rather premium looks for that extra boost that every midranger needs these days. That is why we wanted to ask you which one of the two would you pick if you had the chance and the need, the U Ultra ($749) or the U Play (~$440)?
HTC U Ultra or U Play - which one would you pick?
HTC U Ultra
HTC U Play
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Daniel, a devoted tech writer at PhoneArena since 2010, has been engrossed in mobile technology since the Windows Mobile era. His expertise spans mobile hardware, software, and carrier networks, and he's keenly interested in the future of digital health, car connectivity, and 5G. Beyond his professional pursuits, Daniel finds balance in travel, reading, and exploring new tech innovations, while contemplating the ethical and privacy implications of our digital future.
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