The Australian based company announced that CES Las Vegas 2008 will be the launch-pad for its latest products. The BlueAnt V1 is the first voice controlled Bluetooth headset. The combinations of button pushes, holds and flashing lights that characterize today’s Bluetooth headsets, have been replaced by a single activation button. Once you activate the BlueGenie Voice Interface you get total control of the V1’s entire function menu system. Ask for assistance and BlueGenie will help you find the right command.”Talk to it – and it will talk to you” as they say in BlueAnt. The headset utilizes two microphones, allowing the Voice Isolation Technology (patent of BlueAnt) to separate the user’s voice signal from all other sound, thus reducing the environmental noise and enhancing the sound quality. You can even connect two phones to the device and answer the one that is ringing. The MSRP is $119.00 USD and it comes with a 2 year replacement warranty. Information on the date of release is not available.
The M1 comes with 28 watts power and the manufacturer claims it is the world’s most powerful Bluetooth speaker. It is compatible with all A2DP enabled devices and has rechargeable battery. It can be used in a car, at home or outdoors. In addition you can plug in any MP3 player or iPod through the jack input (cable included). The MSRP is $199.00 USD and the M1 is going to be available in the first quarter of 2008.
source: BlueAnt
BlueAnt M1
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