During one of its audits of Guangdong Real Faith Pingzhou Electronics, Apple found out that the enterprise has the habit of employing underage workers to work in its factories. Being a sound hater of child labor, Apple has immediately broken up with the supplier and even reported it to the authorities. This became clear thanks to Apple's latest "Supplier Responsibility" report.
Cupertino managed to reveal the factory's little secret by uncovering some fake age verification documents. So, what were the consequences to Real Faith Pingzhou Electronics then? Well, the company was fined and had to secure the transport for the kids back to their homes. However, other companies which also work with the supplier are said to have begun their own audits, having heard of the child labor practices there.
Unfortunately, this isn't the first, and probably won't be the last case of child labor violation in China. A number of other companies have also recently been found to hire underage workers from time to time. We can only hope that as the growing Chinese economy matures, such cases will get reduced to a minimum.
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