Animoji apps for Android? They are all a fraud

Animoji is one of the signature features of the iPhone X. It's basically a bunch of cute characters that are animated live with your facial mimics. Even though it seems a bit silly, the idea is actually a ton of fun once you actually try it yourself.
So naturally, Android users might be wondering: is there an animoji app for Android?
A Google Play search will show tens of animoji apps... they're all trash
We tried a few of the best ranking animoji apps for Android, all carrying names like "Animoji for phone X", and not a single one of them is even close to what you have on the iPhone. You might be tempted to try a few of them yourself, but be warned: you will be bombarded with ads and on some apps we found it hard to even enter the main screen of the app, it was just blocked by full-screen ads. We would be willing to deal with a few ads if the quality was at least decent, but it's anything but: these apps are simply trash. They are put together by developers hoping to monetize the rush of people looking for animoji on Android.
The reality is that animoji uses the advanced TrueDepth front camera of the iPhone X and it is simply impossible to get similar effect using a regular front camera.
So if you want to get fun animated faces, your best bets remain Snapchat and Instagram, but definitely not the bunch of scam animoji apps on the Google Play Store right now.

Animoji apps on Android are a fraud
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