Android Market to outgrow App Store in July?

Latest analysis about app storedevelopments may surprise you – turns out the Android Market is onits way to becoming the biggest application repository eclipsing theApp Store as soon as this July, according to researchers fromDistimo.
An April update of the researcher's appreport shows that the number of applications grew by a healthy 16% in the Market incomparison to the pale 6% growth of apps in the App Store for March.Distimo doesn't give further explanations, but assuming this turnsinto a trend, it will take five months for the Google's web store totake over Apple's rival.
We however would take this with a grainof salt as just recently a study showed developer sentiment leanedtoward iOS as more programmers intended to launch applications onApple's platform, while Android was a runner-up. Slower or faster, thegap between the two is closing. Actually, the Market already has morefree apps: 134,342 against the 121,845 for iOS.
Other highlights of Distimo's findingswere:
- The Windows Phone 7 Marketplace willalso be larger than the Nokia Ovi Store and BlackBerry App Worldprior to the Windows Phone 7 Marketplace being available for even afull year.
- One year after launching the iPad,Apple will be confronted with its first serious competition as bothBlackBerry and Google enter the emerging tablet market.
- Apple has already seized momentum andgrown the App Store for iPad in the first year to 75,755 applicationsdeveloped by 21,975 publishers.
- Daily revenue in the Top 100 paid [for iPad] isapproximately $400,000 excluding in-app purchases.
- Many of the top publishers on theiPad already publish cross-platform. Fifty-eight percent of the 50most popular publishers have already developed applications fornon-Apple platforms.
source: Distimo
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