AT&T executive discusses the Apple iPhone and dropped calls
Just like famous trios like a BLT, Harry, Ronnie and Hermione, Moe, Larry and Curly, the trio of the Apple iPhone, AT&T and dropped calls seems to go together naturally. Unfortunately for the executives who work for AT&T and Apple, part of their job entails being put on the spot and answering questions about why the Apple iPhone continues to drop calls on AT&T's pipelines.
The man being put on the spot is an executive of the carrier, Glenn Lurie, now President of emerging devices. Lurie is well prepared to handle the pressure as he was one of the original liaisons going back and forth between Apple and AT&T prior to the launch of the original version of the Apple iPhone. Now on the hot seat, Lurie answers tough questions such as, "What is AT&T doing about dropped calls?" and "How will the carrier cope when the iPhone loses its exclusivity period?" The answers from a long time AT&T employee who has been involved with the Apple iPhone since the original launch, are just a click away. Watch as Walt Mossberg "ambushes" Lurie right off the bat with a question about the recent Consumer Reports survey that listed AT&T as the lowest ranked carrier, as we reported.
source: AllThingsDigital
source: AllThingsDigital
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