"We welcome the court's decision, which confirmed our long-held position that our products do not infringe Apple's intellectual property."-Samsung statement
One week after a
U.S. District Court jury awarded Apple over $1 billion and Samsung $0 in their epic patent trial, a Tokyo District Court in Japan ruled that
Samsung did not infringe on a patent belonging to Apple. The patent in question has to do with the transferring of media between phones. The ruling came from Judge Tamotsu Shoji who ordered Apple to pay Samsung's legal fees. In making the ruling, the judge said, "
It’s hard to believe the products belong to the range of technologies of the claimant."
"This will likely turn the tide in favor of Samsung. Samsung had this win in a country that’s strong at intellectual property. The mood is turning positive for Samsung."-Kim Hyung Sik, Seoul-based analyst, Taurus Investment Securities Co
While Apple refused to comment on the verdict, a KDDI Corp spokeswoman said she did not see any major impact from the decision. The carrier sells the Samsung Galaxy S III.
On December 6th, Judge Lucy Koh will listen to motions from Apple
which will seek preliminary injunctions on 8 Samsung devices which the U.S. jury ruled infringed on Apple's patents. In addition, since the jury ruled that Samsung had 'willfully' copied Apple's designs and infringed on its patents, the judge could decide to triple the amount of the jury's award to as much as $3.15 billion. Samsung has said
that it will appeal the decision.
source: Reuters
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