The OnePlus 3T, an affordable 5.5" phone selling for nearly half the price of devices with similar hardware like the Google Pixel XL and Apple iPhone 7 Plus, is here.
Everything you need to know about the OnePlus 3T
But before even considering buying it, you should know a few things. First, you should know about the OnePlus brand, a new start-up that began as an off-shoot of Chinese phone maker Oppo, but focused on delivering a great phone that works well in the United States in Europe. The OnePlus 3T is fully equipped with the necessary 4G LTE bands and while it is designed and made in China, it feels like a device that is tailor made for Western markets.
So what is special about it? We've been using the OnePlus 3T in the past couple of weeks and we've already published our full review here, but if you want the 10 most important facts about the 3T and don't feel like reading through the full review, just check out the slides right below.
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Victor, a seasoned mobile technology expert, has spent over a decade at PhoneArena, exploring the depths of mobile photography and reviewing hundreds of smartphones across Android and iOS ecosystems. His passion for technology, coupled with his extensive knowledge of smartphone cameras and battery life, has positioned him as a leading voice in the mobile tech industry.
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