Lady Gaga, Kanye West and Jay-Z to partake in HP's webOS marketing extravaganzza
Commercials with Lady Gaga, Kanye West, Russel Brand, Lea Michele and Jay-Z, among other celebs, are scheduled to air early June, for the HP Veer tiny phone, and in July, possibly right after the first webOS tablet, the HP Touchpad, hits retail. HP is obviously not sparing the cash to engrave webOS gear in consumer's perceptions, doling out $10 million in celebrity contracts. The HP Veer is already strutting its munchkin stuff at the back of the New York Times
Not too shabby of a marketing campaign, and, considering webOS will be shipped along with every HP computer from next year as an alternative operating system, Palm's software will reach a lot of potential clients. HP is still the world's biggest computer maker, after all. The Palo Alto-based company's newest slate is the first device to ship with a tablet edition of webOS, and it is quite the sleek experience, judging from our hands-on encounter with the HP TouchPad.
HP demonstrated some cool home automation management with the TouchPad the other day, but now we are only curious what will Lady Gaga do to the young and innocent webOS tablets and phones in her commercial, and will the directors stop just short of dressing her in them.
via PreCentral
via PreCentral
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