We always knew the calm, collected John Chen (pictured) has what it takes to lead BlackBerry out the financial swamp it had found itself in before he took the reigns. About four years after his appointment as CEO, Chen's disciplined strategy of playing to the company's strong sides has paid off remarkably and BlackBerry has opportunities to increase its profits. Essentially, the company's turnaround has been completed.
Equity analyst Paul Treiber has removed it from his risk watch, explaining that BB is no longer dependent on outside cash flow (such as Service Access Fees) and is no longer losing money on hardware production. Rather, it's growing its software business and directing its efforts towards the 'Enterprise of Things' market.
This includes new handsets developed under license by contractors like TCL and Infracom, along with products like tablets and wearables – all based on Android, rather than BB 10, which the company abandoned long ago.
Chen believes there's a place for BlackBerry's Secure software into all kinds of devices, including BB-branded and co-branded ones. Security is the name of the game with BlackBerry, and the company can further strengthen its foothold there as it improves its financials and benefits from newfound investor interest.
It's too bad not that many people want a QWERTY keyboard phone nowadays, but such is the state of things. At least Chen is aware of BlackBerry's handset opportunities in developing markets, hence a solid strategy for developing low-risk, high volume phones has been put in place and working out fairly well.
Business Insider via
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