Spot what looks like the Galaxy S5 in the upper right corner and close to the middle
Google has made its new
Android ‘L’ release official, but we are yet to hear what the full name and number of this next version will be when it ships this fall. While Google has not unveiled the full veil of mystery from this ‘L’ release, it might have actually spilled the beans a little too early for something else - something that could be the Samsung Galaxy S5 Google Play Edition.
On the official Android website, you can see a device that looks much like the
Galaxy S5, but instead of running the Samsung TouchWiz custom user interface, it comes with what looks like Android 4.4 KitKat. Strangely enough, it’s not running on the ‘L’ release - you can tell this easily, just look at the old navigation buttons that it features rather than the new triangle-circle-square setup.
On our part, we'd certainly love to see the Samsung Galaxy S5, one of the most popular smartphones nowadays, run on stock Android. What about you?
Update: As some of you rightfully noticed, the combination of hardware buttons AND virtual, on-screen keys is absurd, so this might as well be a screw-up by Google. Or could we really see a new S5 GPE with both on-screen and physical keys?
Xie xie, Jun Jie!
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