HISTORY, also known as the History Channel, announced last week the release of their app for Windows Phone 7. While
Windows Phone 7 is still fighting for position, exclusive apps like this should help sweeten its appeal. The app, HISTORY HERE, brings a
location-based combination of HISTORY's content, serving as a virtual tour-guide of the country.
The president of the History Channel, Nancy Dubuc, said that "Teaming up with
Microsoft Corp for HISTORY reinforces the HISTORY brand's 360-degree approach of aggressively reaching and connecting with our viewers across all platforms." The app comes loaded with 7,000 historical points of interest, and is expected to progressively add more points and content as time goes on.
The app works much like a normal navigational app. The user can either choose their current location, or they can enter another
location within the U.S. The user can then filter their interests to battlefields, monuments, museums, historic buildings, etc. To get a broader sense of the area's history, you can also view a larger map with icons for the different types of historical landmarks.
Once you tap on your desired location, you can enjoy images, articles, audio clips, and videos pertinent to that landmark. So if you're among the
early WP7 adopters, and are a history buff (or hobbyist), check out the HISTORY HERE app, available now for $2.99.
PR Newswire
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