Kyocera Mako S4000 has typical for its class design, two color displays (1” external and 1.8” internal TFT with 262k colors). It features Bluetooth, a VGA camera, WAP 2.0 and BREW.
Music ringtones (MP3, AAC), Vibration, Speakerphone
Other features:
Voice dialing, Voice recording, TTY/TDD
Regulatory Approval
FCC approval:
Date approved:
Feb 21, 2008
FCC ID value:
Measured SAR:
0.58 W/kg
Measured in:
1900 MHz
0.41 W/kg
Measured in:
1900 MHz
Apr 01, 2008
Officially announced:
Despite our efforts to provide full and correct Kyocera Mako S4000 specifications, there is always a possibility of admitting a mistake. If you see any wrong or incomplete data, please