Win a BlackBerry Z10 or BlackBerry Q10 directly from BlackBerry U.K.
If you have a Twitter account and know how to send a tweet or two, are 18 or older, and are a resident of the U.K., you can enter BlackBerry U.K.'s Touch V Type contest. If you think that this is a contest that is based on pitting the all-touch input of the BlackBerry Z10 against the physical QWERTY keyboard on the BlackBerry Q10, you'd be 100% correct.
Entering this contest is a snap. Simply click on the sourcelink. You then decide if you like typing better on the all-touch BlackBerry Z10 or on the physical QWERTY equipped BlackBerry Q10. Write a tweet completing the phrase "My typing's so fast..." and then send it out to hashtag #Totally Touchscreen or hashtag #QWERTYForever depending on which phone you want. We are pretty sure you can figure out which hashtag goes with each phone.
Entrants have until 11:59pm British Summer Time (BST) on June 2nd to send in a tweet. You are allowed to send up to 20 tweets per person and use common sense. BlackBerry will not accept sexually explicit phrases or phrases promoting drugs, using obscene words or promoting or knocking the competition. The judges will base their decision on originality (34%) creativity and relevance (33% each) and winners will be notified via a Twitter Direct Message.
There will be one grand prize winner for each hashtag. The #Totally Touchscreen winner receives a BlackBerry Z10 valued at £479.99 ($731 USD) while the one #QWERTYForever victor will receive a BlackBerry Q10 worth £579.99 ($883 USD). Good luck!
source: BlackBerry
There will be one grand prize winner for each hashtag. The #Totally Touchscreen winner receives a BlackBerry Z10 valued at £479.99 ($731 USD) while the one #QWERTYForever victor will receive a BlackBerry Q10 worth £579.99 ($883 USD). Good luck!
Win a BlackBerry Z10 (L) or a BlackBerry Q10
source: BlackBerry
Things that are NOT allowed: