Verizon Insider shows "8 Reasons BlackBerry Owners Get It Done"
Verizon Insider put up an infographic with some interesting statistics related to BlackBerry users. Compared to other smartphone users, BlackBerry owners are twice as likely to travel for business while over half of them use their 'Berry to check in for their flight. BlackBerry users also speak to more than 50 people on their contacts list each week.
According to the infographic, 46% of BlackBerry users manage a team at work and half of them carry a to-do list. In a very interesting piece of data, 50% more BlackBerry users are trilingual than other smartphone owners. There are some more BlackBerry related statistics that you can find below.
So why is Verizon pumping up BlackBerry? Well, it has to do with the QWERTY-equipped BlackBerry Q10 which is now available online from Verizon and will be in stores on June 10th. The price is $199.99 with a signed two-year contract, and many expect this model to outsell the all-touch BlackBerry Z10 thanks to business users who prefer typing on the BlackBerry keyboard.
source: VerizonInsider via BerryReview
So why is Verizon pumping up BlackBerry? Well, it has to do with the QWERTY-equipped BlackBerry Q10 which is now available online from Verizon and will be in stores on June 10th. The price is $199.99 with a signed two-year contract, and many expect this model to outsell the all-touch BlackBerry Z10 thanks to business users who prefer typing on the BlackBerry keyboard.
8 Reasons BlackBerry Owners Get It Done
source: VerizonInsider via BerryReview
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