How to automatically enable Wi-Fi and data with Chrome, and other Android app automation goodies

Ever been frustrated by having to manually enable Bluetooth before you open a BT file sharing app? Or having to juggle between Wi-Fi and data before you open Facebook or Instagram. Maybe last time you left the GPS locator switched off, and you opened Google Maps only to have it map your position to the nearest cell tower? Or you'd like it if you didn't always have to reach for the screen brightness slider when you open a reading app before bedtime.
If these scenarios resonate with your fever, we've got the prescription. It's called µTask - an app that makes it very easy to solve the aforementioned problems. Get it from the Google Play store, and we'll show you how to use it to take care of your app automation needs.
1. Launch the app, and enable "Start on boot". You'll also learn that the free version which you installed is limited to automating two apps - just enough to properly test it out. Also, the app's Settings menu has some additional options that you don't necessarily have to bother with.
2. You will be greeted by the app's main screen. It's so empty! Let's fill it with some tasks. Tap the 'plus' button and choose the application you want to automate. Now, it's time to set some switches in motion. In our example, we wanted to have Chrome automatically enable Wi-Fi and Data upon launch, so we pressed on each of the options and enabled them. We also wanted to do the same, along with GPS location, for Google Maps. We went and did that, too. As you can see, there's no limit to how many options you can automate at once. Finally, we scrolled down and tapped 'Save profile'. Bazinga!
3. Say you went and made profiles for all your favorite apps, but now you would like to change them. No problem. Simply open µTask, tap on the task you wish to modify, and go ahead. You can also delete the entire profile, or reset it and start from scratch.
That's it! Reap profits!
1. Launch the app, and enable "Start on boot". You'll also learn that the free version which you installed is limited to automating two apps - just enough to properly test it out. Also, the app's Settings menu has some additional options that you don't necessarily have to bother with.
2. You will be greeted by the app's main screen. It's so empty! Let's fill it with some tasks. Tap the 'plus' button and choose the application you want to automate. Now, it's time to set some switches in motion. In our example, we wanted to have Chrome automatically enable Wi-Fi and Data upon launch, so we pressed on each of the options and enabled them. We also wanted to do the same, along with GPS location, for Google Maps. We went and did that, too. As you can see, there's no limit to how many options you can automate at once. Finally, we scrolled down and tapped 'Save profile'. Bazinga!
3. Say you went and made profiles for all your favorite apps, but now you would like to change them. No problem. Simply open µTask, tap on the task you wish to modify, and go ahead. You can also delete the entire profile, or reset it and start from scratch.
That's it! Reap profits!
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