Want to get into Ingress? This video will help

The Ingress closed beta started back in November of 2012, and the game made it to general release back in December of 2013. Since its creation, the game has gathered a cult following, and built a very detailed backstory. The game itself is described as something of a cross between capture the flag and risk where the game board is the Earth itself. It can be daunting for newcomers, but Google is hoping a new video will make it more accessible.
The video runs through the basics of the game, even covering the relatively unnecessary mechanic of how to capture a portal. The game has been running long enough that all portals have been captured at this point, and any new portals are snatched very quickly. Still, it is nice to see a simplified explanation of hacking, resonators, XMP bursters, and control fields.
Of course, this is just a description of how to play the game itself. If you want to dive into the story behind Ingress, there is a ton of media at the Niantic Project website, over 100 videos on YouTube, and even a handful of novellas in the Google Play Books store.

source: Android Central
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