Verizon adds visual voicemail for Galaxy Nexus to Android Market
You can see it as a good sign or a slap in the face. Either way, Verizon has released its visual voicemail app for Ice Cream Sandwich into the Android Market, of course no one has the phone to actually use said app.
If you're an optimist, this may be a sign that the Galaxy Nexus is close to release. If you're a pessimist, it's just Verizon rubbing salt in the
wound. Of course, Google did well to keep the bloat off the Nexus itself, but Verizon still has its apps that it wants to push, especially since using this visual voicemail app will cost you an absurd $2.99 per month.
It is also a bit odd that Verizon made this app specifically for the Galaxy Nexus rather than just updating the standard app for Ice Cream Sandwich. Especially now that the Android Market can handle multiple APKs per listing, there is even less reason for Verizon to release the app like this. We're assuming this app is using the visual voicemail APIs that Google built into ICS, but we can't say for sure.
Anyway, once you get your Nexus, if you have nothing better to do with $3 per month, you can grab this app from the Android Market. Otherwise, we're pretty sure accessing voicemails from your call log should work pretty well too.
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