Meta took down more than 7,000 fake accounts related to pro-China propaganda

Meta took down more than 7,000 fake accounts related to pro-China propaganda
Fake accounts on social media aren't something new. Most likely, many of us have come across at least one fake account during our time on social media. Facebook reportedly holds the largest number of fake accounts compared to any other social network in the world. However, it appears that Meta has managed to eliminate at least some of them.

Meta shared details (via Engadget) about a network of fake accounts that had spread pro-China propaganda on Facebook. The company mentions that the takedowns were tied to "individuals associated with Chinese law enforcement" who also ran similar fake accounts on other platforms.

The company often shares updates about taking down fake accounts that are up to no good, but what Meta's security researchers found this time is pretty big. Meta got rid of 7,704 Facebook accounts, 954 Pages, 15 Groups, and 15 Instagram accounts, making it one of the largest networks of fake accounts ever discovered by the company.

Meta found several groups of fake accounts from various parts of China. The way the groups acted, made it seem like they might have been working together from a shared place, maybe an office. Each group had a specific schedule, being most active in the morning and afternoon. They took breaks for lunch and dinner and then had another burst of activity in the evening, so basically, they had a full-time job.

Ben Nimmo, who's in charge of global threat intelligence at Meta, calls this move “the most prolific covert influence operation that we know of in the world today.” He also points out that the people running these accounts were also busy on X, Reddit, YouTube, TikTok, and Pinterest.

As per Meta, the fake accounts aimed to share pro-China messages, including positive commentary about China, criticisms of the US, and Western foreign policies. The company did verify that it discovered proof connecting these fake accounts to an earlier pro-China operation cleverly called Spamouflage that showed up in 2019.

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In addition, the company also shared that it stopped numerous malicious domains and efforts to create fake accounts and Pages linked to the Russian Doppelganger operation, which aims to mimic official news and government websites to spread false articles undermining support for Ukraine. This operation has broadened its scope from France, Germany, and Ukraine to the US and Israel.

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