Google shuts down YouTube after it fulfills its mission

It turns out that YouTube hasn't been designed to deliver cat videos to us, but rather it has had a bigger mission. YouTube has actually been a contest to find the greatest video of all time. Now, almost 8 years after its launch, Google is shutting down YouTube, and it will choose the winning video tomorrow at midnight.
Of course, this is entry number two in Google's annual April Fool's Day gags, and we'd say it's one of the better ones, right up there with Google Paper, the prank from 2007 which claimed to give you a paper record of all your e-mails.
For this one, Google has even set up a YouTube live stream, set to air tomorrow at midnight EST (9PM PST) where the "winning" video will be announced. What would you choose as the best YouTube video of all time?
source: YouTube Blog

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