The conditions of the deal/s may have changed since the initial publishing of this post.
If you’re in the market for some kind of cheap tablet, there are obviously many that easily come to mind – such as the Amazon Kindle Fire, NOOK Tablet, BlackBerry PlayBook, and if you can find one, the HP TouchPad as well. Needless to say, those are some of the more prominent tablets on the cheap, but there are also numerous ones manufactured by companies that you probably never heard about.
Well folks, that’s exactly what we find with Ematic’s 7-inch eGlide Prism tablet, as it combines some interesting features and one inexpensive price point. So what do you get exactly with this 7-inch tablet? For starters, the eGlide Prism is a tablet deemed to focus on enhancing the gaming and entertainment experience – while still boasting some powerful productivity too.
On top of offering the wonderful thing associated with Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich, it also comes packaged with 3D red and blue style glasses that will allow owners to watch up to 2160p 3D HD videos with its HD video player. As for the rest, it features a 7” WVGA display, 1GHz single core processor, 512MB RAM, 8GB of internal storage, 5GB cloud storage, Wi-Fi, front-facing camera, and a microSD card slot.
Certainly, we’re curious to know how the eGlide Prism performs, but what’s nice to know is that it’s priced on sale for $157.16 right now. Naturally, if this is something that appeals to you, then why not give it a shot? Heck, you never know how it might turn out – though, it can also be something totally unexpected.
Latest tablet features enhanced gaming and browsing experiences, portability, andpowerful productivity
Los Angeles- April 12, 2012 -Ematic, a leader in value tablets, is excited to release its latest Android-powered tablet: the 7” eGlide Prism.Building on the success of its existing tablet collection, Ematic’s Prism enhances gaming and entertainment experiences, and boasts powerful productivity.
“The eGlide Prism is packed with the latest technology designed for an improved user experience,” says Roy Rayn, General Manager of Ematic.“It’s also slim in size which makes it the perfect tablet for people who are always on the move.”
The eGlide Prism runs on the Android 4.0 Operating System (also known as “Ice Cream Sandwich”) for improved multi-tasking, faster web browsing and a refined interface.The device is optimized for rich media entertainment on its 7-inch touchscreen display.With a built-in 3-axis gyroscope combined with an accelerometer--the eGlide Prism is capable of advanced motion sensing such as user acceleration, and full 3D altitude and rotation.The tablet’s HD video player supports up to 2160p 3D HD videos.
The tablet’s powerful processor allows the user to enjoy browsing the web, networking, and playing games at exceptionally fast speeds.The tablet was designed for simple and easy navigation:A truly user-friendly product!Meantime, the ultra-slim Prism is 9mm thick and weighs only .6 pounds making it ideal when on-the-go.However, that does not mean the user has to sacrifice a lot of memory.The eGlide Prism comes with 8GB of flash memory plus 5GB of cloud storage.
The eGlide Prism comes with built-in Wi-Fi compatibility which means Internet connectivity anywhere there is a hotspot.The tablet also features a front facing camera, built-in speaker, and a MicroSD Memory Card port.It comes with 3D glasses, a protective sleeve, earphones, wall charger, and a USB cable.
The Ematic eGlide Prism is now available is on sale for $157.16 (regularly priced $216.00).
About Ematic:
Ematic is a leader in portable media and value tablets offering high quality consumer electronics at an affordable price.The company offers a variety of technology ranging from designer headphones to MP3 players and tablets.Ematic prides itself on offering the latest in advanced technology that has undergone rigorous testing for quality, sturdinessand reliability.
Ematic Corporate Giving:
Beyond the production of high quality consumer electronics, Ematic supports initiatives for a greener Earth by running power-conscious facilities, using environmentally-friendly inks made from recycled cartridges, and 100% recyclable packaging. Ematic also makes it their mission to give back to its communities by donating 10% of all profits to various charities
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