This year, Samsung and LG both pushed for a bit of a weird new trend in smartphones — the elongated display. In their quest to offer a larger screen in as compact a body as possible, the companies made their new flagship handsets have a 2:1 ratio, which does give us more screen real estate, but doesn't really play well with standard, widely-spread 16:9 media.
Of course, we do expect that apps that don't support the ratio will soon be updated to do so — Sammy and LG combined are too big to be ignored. And sure, some Netflix shows may be streamed in 2:1, but we don't see the tons of independent YouTube creators rushing off to change the way they film just to accommodate a weird new trend.
We are left wondering — will we see more smartphones with an elongated screen by the end of 2017? Could Apple's much-rumored-about all-screen iPhone that's supposed to come out this year follow this trend, or will Cupertino insist on sticking to 16:9? What do you think about the future of 2:1 displays?
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