New Apple videos poke fun at Google Play Store, non-iPhone portrait photos
Apple just released two short videos aimed at convincing non-iOS users to switch to an iPhone. Of course, by non-iOS, we basically mean Android, since this is the only other smartphone platform that's relevant right now.
The first new Apple video compares "your" app store to the App Store, poking fun at the former for being unsafe and possibly containing apps that figuratively blow up in your face. The video doesn't mention Google's Play Store, but, let's be honest, this is the only non-Apple app sore that matters, and it's obviously the focus of the video.
Historically, the Apple App Store has been safer than Google Play Store. However, Google is constantly improving things in this regard, and, with last year's launch of Google Play Protect, it's safe to say that the Play Store is far from being as messy as Apple suggests it is.
The second new Apple video implies that your phone's portrait photos aren't as great as those that you can take on an iPhone - especially if you use Portrait Lighting, a feature that includes several lighting scenes for more dramatic images. That’s debatable, though, as you may not always get the desired results with Portrait Lighting.
If you're an Android users, do these new Apple videos make you want to throw your handset away and switch to an iPhone? Or is Apple a bit too hopeful?
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