Amp'd Mobile - the new mobile virtual network operator (MVNO), targeting the youth market - has officially announced its launch. The new MVNO, which uses Verizon's CDMA EV-DO network, offers monthly plans, ranging from $30 for 250 voice minutes to $100 for 2000 minutes. All plans include unlimited weekends and nights starting at as well as (with the exception of the unlimited plan) PTT for $0.99USD per day and a three month free trial of the company data services. As was announced yesterday Amp'd Mobile partnered MTV to deliver video clips,ringtones, ringbacks, screensavers, wallpapers and other content from MTV, VH1, Comedy Central and all of MTV's channels to its subscribers. Initially Amp'd Mobile offers only the black Kyocera Jet slider phone for the price of $129. The main features of the device are:
262k color TFT display
EV-DO high-speed data
VGA (640x480) camera with flash and video capture
TransFlash memory expansion card slot
Push-to-Talk button
built-in speakerphone
Kyocera Jet Full specification List
Amp'd Mobile, however, plans to start shipping a white version of the Kyocera Jet as well as the Motorola E815, dubbed the Hollywood phone early next year.
Source: Amp'd Mobile
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