Patent showcases Apple Watch with flexible display

Patent showcases Apple Watch with flexible display
Foldable display technology has come a long way over the last couple of years and it has been used in a wide array of devices ranging from smartphones to tablet/laptop hybrids. However, a new interesting use case of the technology is being explored by none other than Apple.

According to a patent, recently secured by the Cupertino company, one day flexible screens might make their way to the Apple Watch series. This information was first covered by AppleInsider in a dedicated article. More specifically, the patent describes a potential wraparound display band for the Apple Watch.

On paper, this might sound futuristic and somewhat gimmicky, but such an approach to wearables has a lot of potential. The additional screen real estate can facilitate much more efficient interactions with the Apple Watch. Furthermore, there is practically an unlimited amount of room for user customisation with such a band.

There is a small caveat, however. There are countless patents that never see the light of day and remain little more than fun thought experiments. The concept for a wraparound Apple Watch might follow a similar fate.

And it likely will, especially in light of the fact that Apple has yet to give flexible display technology any serious consideration whatsoever. Even though Samsung’s foldables are more popular than ever, in all likelihood, we will not be seeing a foldable iPhone in the foreseeable future.

There are some vague rumors pointing to the possibility of a foldable iPad on the horizon, but, even if such a device does exist, it is likely in the very early stages of development.

The more interesting question is why Samsung, the King of Foldable itself, has not explored a similar application of flexible displays. After all, if anyone has a shot at pulling a wraparound smartwatch off, it is the company that pioneered the foldable form factor in the first place.
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