How often do you play games on your mobile device?

The trend for mobile gaming to take over more traditional PC and console timewasters has been a few years in the making, and is finally starting to bear fruit, especially in Asian countries. In Japan, for instance, mobile just took over consoles, and that's the land of Sony and Nintendo we are talking about.
Whether it is a casual Angry Birds session to relieve the stress while you wait in front of the dentist's office, or a full-scale Modern Combat 5 endeavor, we've all been known to dabble in mobile gaming every now and then. And, yes, playing Tetris or word puzzles counts, too. There have been numerous studies how casual gaming improves focus, cognitive abilities and fine motor skills, while other studies list the perils of spending countless hours killing zombies or racing the track clock.
As everything else around, gaming is good in moderation, that's why we wanted to ask you how often do you do it on your mobile device, be it a phone or a tablet. Some of us only fire up the latest craze like Flappy Bird out of curiosity, others mow virtual enemies on a daily basis, while there's a healthy chunk who don't care at all about gaming on a relatively smallish mobile display. Which type are you? Mark your answer in the poll below, and tell us what you think about the mobile gaming revolution.
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