The OnePlus 7T Pro introduces minor updates to the specs of the powerful Android phone from H1 2019. The new device will come with the improved Qualcomm Snapdragon 855 Plus chipset, which has much better GPU capabilities compared to its predecessor. A marginally larger battery weighing at 4,085mAh will be powering the phone. The OnePlus 7T Pro is also expected to arrive with OxygenOS based on the new Android 10 right out of the box. There also is a OnePlus 7T Pro McLaren Edition, which comes with a unique paint job and 12 GB of RAM.
Warp Charge 30 power adapter, Warp charge Type-C cable (Support USB 2.0), Quick Start guide, Welcome letter, Safety information and Warranty card, Logo sticker, Case, Screen protector (pre-applied), SIM tray ejector
Oct 10, 2019
Officially announced:
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