Huawei Ascend D quad is powered by Huawei's own ARM-based chipsets, called K3V2 with four cores humming along at 1.5GHz and a 4.5" HD LCD display with 720x1280 pixels of resolution and "the industry's most powerful 32-bit true color graphic processor". Not only that, but it seems to be the most compact 4.5-incher with 8.9mm slimness, and Huawei has also addressed the complaints about its camera sensors, including an 8MP BSI one here, along with the 1.3MP front-facer.
Music ringtones (MP3), Polyphonic ringtones, Vibration, Flight mode, Silent mode
Other features:
Voice dialing, Voice commands, Voice recording
Feb 26, 2012
Officially announced:
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