With a Kickstarter goal of $6,143 surpassed more than five-times over by the $34,659 pledged, it appears that ThePhoneCoat will be going into mass production. The product is a thin .2mm transparent skin that covers the entire side of a phone. Separate skins are offered for the front and back sides of compatible handsets. It is almost invisible, and nanotechnology allows ThePhoneCoat to be self-healing. Scratches on its surface disappear with the use of a personal hairdryer.
ThePhoneCoat is unbreakable and protects your handset from shock. It also makes the device easier to grip. Installing the protective layer is easy to do, and until April 26th, you can still pledge $43 USD to receive ThePhoneCoat for both sides of your smartphone (or two fronts/backs). To see if your device is compatible with this second skin, go to www.ThePhoneCoat.com and click on the box that reads "Find Your Device." The product will start shipping this summer.
If you hate putting a case on your phone but still would like to protect your handset from drops, ThePhoneCoat would seem to be the perfect solution. ThePhoneCoat is also available for tablets. Check out the product's Kickstarter page by clicking on the sourcelink. And don't forget to view the video showcasing the protective second skin, which we've embedded at the top of this story.
ThePhoneCoat compared to tempered glass and a phone case
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