Rush Limbaugh says Apple is Republicans and Google is Democrats
The grand commentator of the grand old party Rush Limbaugh is a name that part of America listens to. We are not here to judge which part, but we could not miss recent comments of Limbaugh who now says tech blogs hate Apple and that is why to him Apple is like Republicans and Google is Democrats.
One of America’s most well known radio show hosts jumped in with his analysis of the situation in technology and he’s got it all figured out: technology is like politics, and Apple is Republicans.
"I would venture to say that nine out of 10 bloggers writing high-tech hate Apple," Limbaugh pointed out in one of its arguments. "Apple is the equivalent of the Republicans on these blogs."
Now, this obviously dismisses the huge differences between the Apple company culture with its huge tolerance towards people of different sexual orientations for instance and the general position of the GOP.
Comparing Apple to Republicans however would not be a comprehensive analysis of technology and that’s why Limbaugh adds that while Apple are Republicans, the Democrats here are... “Google, Android and Samsung.”
Wow, is it us or did this really escalate quickly? Limbaugh’s musings follow right below:
We’re curious about your opinion on this, is there any truth to what he’s saying and can you really compare Apple to the Republican party? The full tirade of the radio show host is right at the link below.
source: RushLimbaugh via CNET
One of America’s most well known radio show hosts jumped in with his analysis of the situation in technology and he’s got it all figured out: technology is like politics, and Apple is Republicans.
Now, this obviously dismisses the huge differences between the Apple company culture with its huge tolerance towards people of different sexual orientations for instance and the general position of the GOP.
Comparing Apple to Republicans however would not be a comprehensive analysis of technology and that’s why Limbaugh adds that while Apple are Republicans, the Democrats here are... “Google, Android and Samsung.”
Forgive Limbaugh the tautology of Google and Android, but let’s look into his core argument that follows: tech bloggers are young and that’s why they are Democrat. For them Republicans are "probably aliens from Mars, racists, sexists, bigot homophobes."
Wow, is it us or did this really escalate quickly? Limbaugh’s musings follow right below:
I would love to just be able to get to one of these guys and say, 'Now, I want you to do something. The way you see these guys propping up Samsung and Google and Android and the way these guys are ripping Apple to shreds, would you try to see that in the mainstream media? Would you open your eyes and see what's going on in the mainstream media? Would you try to open your eyes and see that in the mainstream media, the Republican Party is Apple, and the Democrat Party is Samsung, Google, and Android.
We’re curious about your opinion on this, is there any truth to what he’s saying and can you really compare Apple to the Republican party? The full tirade of the radio show host is right at the link below.
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