Google Search app for iOS is updated with Trending Searches feature

Google Search app for iOS is updated with Trending Searches feature
Trending Searches is a new feature that is coming to the iOS version of the Google Search app as part of an update that was pushed out yesterday. As the name suggests, Trending Searches will now show you search results that are "trending around you." The app is also showing answers to inquiries as you type. This means that you can gather information about your question before you even tap the search bar.

Trending Searches was added to the Android OS last year and the Google Search forum was filled with those who didn't like it because the content it provided had nothing to do with the information that the user wanted. "I have never searched for Captain America or Manchester United football. Please disable asap," said one user. Google eventually added an opt-out setting in the Google Search app.

While the new version of the Google Search app for iOS does include Trending Searches, it also comes (thankfully) with an opt-out button. To differentiate your personal search results with those of the trending variety, the latter have blue arrows next to them.

While the Trending Searches claim to be based on local trends, that does not seem to be the case. Most items on this morning's trending list are concerns of a more national scope including the September 12th Apple event, Starbucks pumpkin spice latte, Big Brother spoilers, and Trump's decision on whether to continue the Daca Dreamers program.

One good addition to the Google Search app for iOS allows you to get the correct answer to a search even if you spell the subject of your inquiry incorrectly or make a typo. If you're an iOS user, you can download and install the updated Google Search app now by clicking on the source link. The latest updated version, found in the Apple App Store, is version 34.

source:  GoogleSearch (iOS) via TechCrunch

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