Samsung BlackJack II Specs
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I have had my black jack 2 for a little over a year now, I bought it off of ebay new box hadn't even been opened. I love the fact that it has a full keyboard, mp3 player and everything else. But now the button in the middle that spins quit spinning the other day, and then yesterday when I was talking to my fiance the speaker just quit working, I could hear him but he couldn't hear me. We have tried everything to get it to work again but nothing is working what can I do to get my speaker to work again??? or do I just have to get a new phone all together???
I had this phone for over a year, and it was great. The middle button, however, stopped working, which is the main select button for the entire phone. You can get around it, but it isn't good if you have no patience. The buttons are easy to get used to, even if you have large fingers. The scroll wheel is extremely efficient, although if you don't like it, it still has the buttons. It's large, and it doesn't fit in your pocket that well. It can always fit in the back, though. The vibrations are long and loud, so if you're in a building that prohibits cell phone use, it's a good idea to put it on silent. Texting for extensive periods of time wear the battery down extremely quickly if it's on vibrate as well. Some people may be interested if it has a signature setting, and yes, it does. It isn't the template thing that you have to put on EVERY TEXT either. You can change just about everything on the screen, and no factory pictures or settings are stored on it. It honestly is a great phone, and I would definately get another one. It's well worth it.
I purchased my black jack 2 slightly used and have only had it for a few weeks now, but I love it!! I love the fact that it has signature as long as you want it . It is a bit slow at times but what phone isn't ? I also love the fact that it holds alot of text messages. So far So good just hope I still feel this way in a few more weeks from now.