iPhone users admit to "blind loyalty" to Apple

iPhone users admit to "blind loyalty" to Apple
Anyone who has spent any time in the comment threads at a mobile tech website probably isn't all that surprised by this headline. Of course, we would say that blind loyalty is not an Apple-only phenomenon, but it does seem to be most easily visible with Apple users. According to a new survey, iPhone users have admitted having "blind loyalty" to Apple and not even considering other options when upgrading their phone.

The survey was conducted by SIMOnlyContracts.co.uk, and polled some 2,000 iPhone owners. About 60% of respondents admitted to having "blind loyalty" to Apple, meaning they don't even consider other options when buying a new device, and simply make sure that it has the Apple logo on it. Additionally, 78% of respondents said that they "couldn’t imagine having a different type of phone now". But, when you start to dig into the numbers you see what that "blind loyalty" really means.

While 78% can't imagine having another phone, only 52% of respondents said that they were "really impressed" with their iPhone. It should be noted here that only 10% of those surveyed had either an iPhone 5s or 5c. 52% had an iPhone 5, 29% had a 4/4S, and 9% were still using either a 3G or 3Gs. 

Oddly, although 60% admitted to "blind loyalty", only 54% said they bought an iPhone because they owned an iPhone before. 28% said that the iPhone seemed to be the best phone for them at the time of purchase. 37% said they were accustomed to the interface. And, 25% bought it because friends and family had one.

We have to wonder what this survey would look like if it were done on a wider scale and included other manufacturers. Given the overwhelming popularity of Samsung devices, we have to assume that some of the answers would be very similar, even if users don't admit to having the same "blind loyalty". Many users like consistency, so being accustomed to the interface would likely be a common answer. And, influence from friends and family certainly isn't an Apple-only phenomenon either.

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