Samsung Exec Specs
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So, so phone. Inexpensive starter phone for the smart phone market. Easy to use and understand. Better than anything with a touch screen. Good call quality. Will do the job for the most part. If you want a phone that will get you started without paying the extra fee's try this one.
I use this phone on the US Cellular network.This phone is VERY fast and has EXCELLENT reception.The voice commands work incredibly well and instantaneously with no training.Built in GPS works really well."Popup" homescreen displays a lot of data at once.Bing GPS navigates with spoken street names..Much lighter than many other smartphones and fits in shirt pocket without weighing down.If you want eye candy or a video toy, look elsewhere. Like the name implies this is a phone for business.If you want to keep track of appointments and email and want a smartphone with great reception in fringe areas,this is it.
Samsung has taken a risk with the Samsung i225 Exec available at US Cellular. It is not the brightest of colors and it is rather large. However, it is built quite sturdy and has a nice "spin wheel" navigator. The phone is supported by windows mobile. Overall, the phone is very nice but does not do well up against blackberry or HTC. I recommend this for beginning smartphone purchasers.